Selasa, 23 April 2013


We Are Becoming Our Ancestors

Drawings, paintings, and sculpture by: Magick, Leif Wold & Tigre Bailando

We are becoming our ancestors. We are elders in waiting. Our bodies and our spirits are our inheritance from those that have come before us. Every day we are creating the legacy we will leave for those who will come after us.

Please join us for this exhibition exploring & honoring our personal, collective, and archetypal ancestry.

Opening reception on May 10th will feature live performance and a collaboratively built altar to our collective ancestors. We invite you to bring an offering to give to the altar (whatever that may mean for you). There will also be jewelry and prints available for sale.

And here are our bios:

Tigre Bailando is a multi-disciplinary artist born and raised in Philadelphia, now living in Berkeley. His work spans the visual, ritual, and performative arts, drawing on the deep reservoirs of mystery and magic impregnating the world and characters that surround us. He is inspired by mythology, music, trickster gods, mountains, love, death, graffiti, cartoons, old folks, poetry, decaying wood, rust, spirits, stillness, bones, folktales, the vastness and complexity of human emotions, winds, children, the human and non-human figure, trees, the ritual practices of people throughout the world, and the cosmic impulse to play.

Leif Wold is an East coast born Artist, but as a youth transplanted in the northern California soils. Since finding artistic ground in the Bay Area he was deeply inspired by the street art budding up everywhere around him. And since his early twenties he has embarked on numerous over seas journeys to India, South and Central America to learn both the lifestyles and spiritual traditions of our ancient cultures. His travels and studies in the artistic traditions and heirlooms of our Earth's people have served as the primary inspiration for his latest work. From sand mandalas to textile weavings, temples to ceremonial garb, Leif's work seeks to recapture the great mystery so elaborately revered by our predecessors, and communicate it to our modern world.
He currently lives and works wherever he lives and works, but calls the Sierra foothills a good home.

Magick, a Bay Area Local born in Manila Philippines, draws together an urban expression of a Renaissance Butterfly dabbling in the fields of Paint, Stringed Instruments, Jewelry Design and Esoteric Sciences. A world traveller, mother, dancer, student of life and the paths of earth’s mystery schools, her love for art and geomancy began at an early age. Since San Francisco’s School of the Arts high school, London’s University of London Union for Art History, the Art Institute of San Francisco, CA for Interior Design to lastly the Golden Gate Feng Shui School, her path for understanding form, the history of beauty and its application has been immensely eclectic. Sustainable design, contemporary art and feng shui have been the backbone of creativity throughout her design training. Through it all, the thing she has gained most is the sense of certainty in knowing what she was put on the earth to do….Make Magick to make the World Shine Brighter.

Posted by: Julia Lazar
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